Перестал работать RFW

Технические вопросы по UTM 5.0
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Зарегистрирован: Чт мар 16, 2017 12:42

Перестал работать RFW

Сообщение georgepapaskiri »

Добрый день. Был настроен RFW на изменение скоростей на коммутаторе через скрипт, а именно: когда у абонента происходит включение интернета, запускается на локальной машине скрипт, который уже меняет скорости на коммутаторе. Но есть одна проблема. Этот скрипт перестал по какой-то причине запускаться около 3 недель назад. Можете помочь в чем может быть проблема?

Самая последняя ошибка в rfw.log: Jan 24 08:07:27 ERROR : 38cd6700 FWCntl: command <speed_change 74 5 700 15360 15000 0685> failed with code <1>
В debug.log есть какие-то записи, но я не знаю ошибки это или нет (прилагаю к теме в коде).
Main.log заполнен сообщениями следующего характера:
Jan 24 08:07:26 ERROR : 60687700 Dictionary: name for id 134690 not found Jan 24 08:07:28 ERROR : 60687700 Dictionary: name for id 134690 not found

Код: Выделить всё

Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 PluginManagerImpl&#58; Got RfwPlugin plugin for event &#40;switch_inet&#41;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 RfwPlugin&#58; generating inet switch rules for account <803> state <1>
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 PluginManagerImpl&#58; Got FWRulesPlugin plugin for event &#40;get_fwrules&#41;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 FWRulesPlugin&#58; get_fwrules&#58; got <1> rules
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 PluginManagerImpl&#58; Got UserPlugin plugin for event &#40;get_user&#41;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; SELECT login, password, basic_account, create_date, last_change_date,who_create, who_change, is_juridical, full_name, juridical_address, actual_address,work_telephone, home_telephone, mobile_telephone, web_page, icq_number, tax_number,kpp_number, bank_id, bank_account, comments, email, house_id, flat_number, entrance,floor, district, building, passport, personal_manager, connect_date, is_send_invoice,advance_payment, binded_currency_code, id, encrypted FROM users WHERE id='802' AND is_deleted='0'
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; 1 rows in 0.001 sec
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; SELECT group_id FROM users_groups_link WHERE user_id='802'
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; 1 rows in 0.000 sec
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; SELECT paramid, value FROM user_additional_params WHERE userid='802'
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; 0 rows in 0.000 sec
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; SELECT remote_switch_id, port_number FROM users  WHERE id='802'
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; 1 rows in 0.000 sec
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 PluginManagerImpl&#58; Got IPgrpPlugin plugin for event &#40;get_ip_group&#41;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; SELECT ip_group_id,ip,ip_ext,mask,mask_ext,ip_type,uname,upass,mac,allowed_cid,router_id,switch_id,port_id,vlan_id,pool_id,pool_name,id,encrypted FROM ip_groups WHERE is_deleted='0' AND ip_group_id='1868'
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; 2 rows in 0.000 sec
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; SELECT ipsl.id,sl.account_id FROM iptraffic_service_links AS ipsl, service_links AS sl WHERE ipsl.is_deleted='0' AND ipsl.ip_group_id='1868' AND ipsl.id=sl.id
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; 1 rows in 0.000 sec
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; SELECT id, name, location, type_id, ports_count, remote_id, ip_type, ip, ip_ext, login, password FROM switches WHERE id = '74' AND is_deleted='0'
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnection_mysql&#58; <0x2bdfcb0> SQL SELECT query&#58; 1 rows in 0.000 sec
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 PluginManagerImpl&#58; Got FWRulesPlugin plugin for event &#40;subst_fwrule&#41;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 FWRulesPlugin&#58; subst_fwrule&#58; replaced <UGROUP> to <700>
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 FWRulesPlugin&#58; subst_fwrule&#58; replaced <USW_IP> to <>
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 FWRulesPlugin&#58; subst_fwrule&#58; replaced <USW_REMOTE_ID> to <0685>
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 FWRulesPlugin&#58; subst_fwrule&#58; replaced <USW_ID> to <74>
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 FWRulesPlugin&#58; subst_fwrule&#58; replaced <USW_PORT> to <5>
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26  Info  &#58; 60687700 RfwPlugin&#58; final command&#58; &#91;speed_change 74 5 700 15360 15000 0685&#93;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 PluginManagerImpl&#58; Got FWRulesPlugin plugin for event &#40;subst_fwrule&#41;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 FWRulesPlugin&#58; subst_fwrule&#58; replaced <UGROUP> to <700>
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 FWRulesPlugin&#58; subst_fwrule&#58; replaced <USW_IP> to <>
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 FWRulesPlugin&#58; subst_fwrule&#58; replaced <USW_REMOTE_ID> to <0>
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 FWRulesPlugin&#58; subst_fwrule&#58; replaced <USW_ID> to <0>
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 FWRulesPlugin&#58; subst_fwrule&#58; replaced <USW_PORT> to <0>
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26  Info  &#58; 60687700 RfwPlugin&#58; final command&#58; &#91;speed_change 0  0 700 15360 15000 0&#93;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; buffer commit&#58; queue size 2 socket_id 0 queue_id 1
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; buffer commit&#58; transaction 0x7efe48113050 events Events &#91; &#40;exec_fwrule&#41; &#93;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionRouting&#58; routing transaction 0x7efe48113050 to the internal queue
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueManager&#58; executing transaction 0x7efe48113050 events Events &#91; &#40;exec_fwrule&#41; &#93; in the handler 0x2cc1ee0
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; push&#58; got transaction 0x7efe48113050 size 1, Events &#91; &#40;exec_fwrule&#41; &#93;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; buffer commit&#58; transaction 0x7efe481136b0 events Events &#91; &#40;exec_fwrule&#41; &#93;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionRouting&#58; routing transaction 0x7efe481136b0 to the internal queue
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueManager&#58; executing transaction 0x7efe481136b0 events Events &#91; &#40;exec_fwrule&#41; &#93; in the handler 0x2cc1ee0
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; push&#58; got transaction 0x7efe481136b0 size 1, Events &#91; &#40;exec_fwrule&#41; &#93;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnectionPoolImpl&#58; &#91;1&#93;&#58; connection <0x2bd9370> is pushed back
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; run&#58; processing transaction 0x7efe528317b0 done
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; run&#58; processing transaction 0x7efe48113050 events Events &#91; &#40;exec_fwrule&#41; &#93;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnectionPoolImpl&#58; &#91;1&#93;&#58; connection <0x2bd9130> is popped
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; got event &#40;exec_fwrule&#41; &#123;
affector_id='int, value="21"'
rule='string, value="speed_change 74 5 700 15360 15000 0685"'

Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 PluginManagerImpl&#58; Got AffectorsPlugin plugin for event &#40;exec_fwrule&#41;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 RemoteFirewallManager&#58; fw@local&#58; executing rule &#91;speed_change 74 5 700 15360 15000 0685&#93;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 StreamConnection&#58; Sending message ID 0x4001
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; buffer commit&#58; queue size 0 socket_id 0 queue_id 1
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnectionPoolImpl&#58; &#91;1&#93;&#58; connection <0x2bd9130> is pushed back
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; run&#58; processing transaction 0x7efe48113050 done
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; run&#58; processing transaction 0x7efe481136b0 events Events &#91; &#40;exec_fwrule&#41; &#93;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnectionPoolImpl&#58; &#91;1&#93;&#58; connection <0x2bd27e0> is popped
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; got event &#40;exec_fwrule&#41; &#123;
affector_id='int, value="21"'
rule='string, value="speed_change 0  0 700 15360 15000 0"'

Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 PluginManagerImpl&#58; Got AffectorsPlugin plugin for event &#40;exec_fwrule&#41;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 RemoteFirewallManager&#58; fw@local&#58; executing rule &#91;speed_change 0  0 700 15360 15000 0&#93;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 StreamConnection&#58; Sending message ID 0x4001
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; buffer commit&#58; queue size 0 socket_id 0 queue_id 1
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnectionPoolImpl&#58; &#91;1&#93;&#58; connection <0x2bd27e0> is pushed back
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;26 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; run&#58; processing transaction 0x7efe481136b0 done
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;28 ?Debug &#58; 3b4af700 StreamConnection&#58; Got message ID 0x4006
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;28 ?Debug &#58; 3b4af700 TransactionQueueManager&#58; executing transaction 0x7efd46349640 events Events &#91; &#40;updated_lease&#41; &#93; in the handler 0x2cc1ee0
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;28 ?Debug &#58; 3b4af700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; push&#58; got transaction 0x7efd46349640 size 1, Events &#91; &#40;updated_lease&#41; &#93;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;28 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; run&#58; processing transaction 0x7efd46349640 events Events &#91; &#40;updated_lease&#41; &#93;
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;28 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 DBConnectionPoolImpl&#58; &#91;1&#93;&#58; connection <0x2bb38f0> is popped
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;28  ERROR &#58; 60687700 Dictionary&#58; name for id 134690 not found
Jan 24 08&#58;07&#58;28 ?Debug &#58; 60687700 TransactionQueueImpl&#58; got event &#40;updated_lease&#41; &#123;
id='int, value="2269"'
binding_id='int, value="10339"'
server_id='string, value=""'
client_id='string, value="TL-WR841N_WR841ND"'
ip='int, value="167915777"'
mac='string, value="84&#58;16&#58;f9&#58;84&#58;36&#58;69"'
expired_date='int, value="1516774047"'
updated_date='int, value="1516769772"'
flags='int, value="0"'
unknown_word='string, value=""'
